Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Alder Flycatcher

This morning I found a 'Traill's' type Flycatcher in one of our shelter belts. 'Traill's' Flycatcher is a term birders use to describe Willow and Alder Flycatcher's, which used to be one species.  Even though they are now split , they are still often referred to as 'Traill's' because they are inseparable unless heard. This has caused birders much frustration (this does not exclude me) because neither of them is very vocal.

The one I found was no exception and did not call or sing once.  This bugged me greatly, and this afternoon I decided to check the spot again.  Upon arriving, I thought I heard an Alder Flycatcher call.  This is definitely the rarer of the two around here, and I had never seen one.  As I got closer, I heard the call several more times.  It was definitely an Alder!  I then stalked it around for several minutes and managed to get some pictures.

Alder Flycatcher

Now I'm off to see if I can re-find it again with Bryant!


1 comment:

  1. I love it when such a plain and quiet little bird brings this much excitement and delight.
