Monday, August 24, 2015

Blue-winged Warbler

This morning I woke up early and decided to go birding on Frank Blodgett's land about a mile away from our house.  It was a perfect morning, cool and clear, and I was feeling like it might be a pretty good day for the birds.  When I got the at a little after 7:00, there was a lot of activity.  Unfortunately, most of it was common resident birds.  I was rather disappointed that there were so few birds, and the only thing that was very interesting was a Philadelphia Vireo.  I was watching a Trail's Flycatcher feeding in a locust tree, when a small, bright yellow bird flew in.  I saw that it had white undertail coverts and immediately thought of a Prothonotary Warbler, but I then I saw that it had a black eye-line and blue wings with white wing-bars.  BLUE-WINGED WARBLER!  I frantically began snapping pictures and trying to call Bryant.  It kept feeding in the same tree for a while, and then disappeared.  Luckily though, we were able to find it again when Bryant came.  This is a casual visitant in our area of Kansas and it is on the KBRC review list for this part of the state as well.  Anthony and Michael came down about two hours later, and were able to see it.  Unfortunately, when Joseph came over this evening he couldn't refind it.
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler

While we were watching it we found a nice flock that also had Black-throated Green Warbler, a year bird.

Black-throated Green Warbler
I also had a nice Phaon Crescent that posed for me.

Phaon Crescent 
This was only the second Philadelphia Vireo I have seen in Reno.

Philadelphia Vireo
Hopefully this good birding continues!


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